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Sanjeevanam Endometriosis

Ayurvedic treatment for Endometriosis in Kerala

Endometriosis refers to a condition in women where tissue similar to the endometrium lining the uterus, is found growing outside the uterus too. And just like in the uterus, the tissue outside the uterus also thickens and bleeds along with each menstrual cycle, leading to pain and infertility. The ancient science of ayurvedic treatment for endometriosis in Kerala is the best holistic alternative treatment available. However, it should only be carried out by an experienced ayurvedic practitioner.

What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a gynecological condition, where endometrial cells that are usually found along the uterus lining, can also be found growing outside the uterus, within its immediate surroundings. Such endometrial tissue overgrowth can be found on the ovaries, the fallopian tubes or on the tissue surrounding the pelvis region. Interestingly, this abnormal endometrial tissue also reacts to the hormones of the menstrual cycles, just like the endometrium in the uterine cavity.


Endometriosis can lead to heavy and painful periods, chronic pain in the pelvic region, pain during intercourse and in some women, it can even lead to infertility. However, not all women with endometriosis develop symptoms.


While the exact cause isn’t clear as yet, a combination of factors including hormonal, genetic and environmental factors have been implicated. Women with abnormally long or short menstrual cycles and those with a family history of endometriosis, are also more likely to develop it.


A combination of medical history, physical examination and MRI or ultrasound scans are used for diagnosis. Visual inspection via laparoscopic surgery offers more definitive diagnosis.


Common treatments include hormonal therapy, pain relief medication or surgery. Lifestyle changes, exercise and healthy diet can also be helpful.

Symptoms of Endometriosis

Though not every woman will experience symptoms, here’s at a look at some common ones:

  • 01 Heavy painful periods and sometimes bleeding in between periods are commonly-seen symptoms in those with endometriosis.
  • 02 Pelvic pain palpable in the lower abdomen, lower back and the pelvis is the commonest symptom.
  • 03 Another symptom of endometriosis is pain during sex, especially during deep penetration. Such women could also experience pain while urinating.
  • 04 Since endometrial tissue can adhere externally on the ovaries or fallopian tubes, it can cause scarring and damage to these organs, leading to infertility.
  • 05 Due to excessive bleeding, such women could also experience ongoing fatigue which affects their daily activities.
  • 06 Women with endometriosis are more likely to experience digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea or bloating during menstruation too.

Causes of Endometriosis

Its most likely that a combination of factors are responsible for the development of endometriosis. Here’s a look at some of them:

Family History

Since its more common in women with a family history, there’s more likely a genetic link for developing endometriosis.

Retrograde menstruation

Instead of menstrual blood and uterus lining leaving the body through the vagina, it can flow backwards into the pelvic cavity through the fallopian tubes, leading to endometrial tissue implanting itself outside the uterus.

Hormonal imbalance

It’s been suggested that imbalances in estrogen and progesterone may be responsible in development of endometriosis too.

Immune dysfunction

Endometriosis could also be caused by an immune system imbalance.

Environmental factors

Factors such as nutrition, digestion, stress and environmental toxins could also be responsible.

Risks of Endometriosis

Some of the possible risks and complications of endometriosis include the following:

Ovarian cysts

Also known as chocolate cysts or endometriomas, these painful cysts could arise due to endometriosis and lead to menstrual cycle disruptions.


Endometriosis can cause the formation of scar tissues which cause excruciating pain and reduced physical activity.


One of the commonest risks associated with endometriosis is infertility caused by abnormal adhesions of endometrial tissues around the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, thus interfering with conception.


Though the risk is low, endometriosis is also associated with ovarian cancers.

Chronic pain

Endometriosis can result in long-term pain in the pelvic that interferes with the quality of life.

How Ayurveda can treat Endometriosis

Over the centuries, the ancient healing science of ayurveda has been used to treat various gynecological problems, including endometriosis management. Ayurvedic doctors typically focus on first balancing the 3 doshas, or energy forms, as part of their ayurvedic treatment plans. Ayurvedic herbal remedies such as ginger, ashwagandha, turmeric, guggulu, shatavari, etc., are also very effective in reducing inflammation and routinely used in ayurvedic treatment of endometriosis.

Other therapies used by ayurveda for gynecological diseases include following ayurvedic diets (which are balanced, non-spicy and non-oily), managing stress and practicing yoga and exercise regularly. Along with special massages and lifestyle changes, these ayurvedic treatments can also help in the management of pain and inflammation commonly associated with endometriosis. Do consult your healthcare provider before starting ayurvedic treatment for endometriosis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Ayurveda completely cure endometriosis?

It’s believed that with correct medications and appropriate diet and lifestyle modifications, ayurveda can be successfully used to treat endometriosis. It not only reduces the pain and inflammation, but it also arrests further implantation of endometrium in abnormal places, leading to complications.

What are the first signs of endometriosis?

While not all women present with symptoms, those who do, usually have very heavy and painful periods, pain in the pelvic region, painful intercourse and pain on bowel movements and urination. Others might also experience constipation, nausea, abdominal fullness, etc.

How to treat endometriosis naturally?

There are many things you too can do to manage treatment of endometriosis naturally. Take more of fiber-rich foods, turmeric, ginger tea, bromelain-rich foods or over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications. You could also opt for helpful massages, yoga therapy with specific asanas.

How long does endometriosis pain last?

There is no fixed time period for endometriosis pain fare-ups. In many women, flare-ups are associated with hormones and can start from a few days before, to a few days after menstruation. In others, flare-ups can last for several weeks.

How is endometriosis diagnosed?

While ultrasound scans can pick up large chunks of abnormal endometrial tissue, a laparoscopy is the best way to diagnose endometriosis. It involves making a tiny incision near the navel and viewing the pelvic interiors using a slim tube-like laparoscope.

Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Endometriosis in Kerala

Kerala is well-known for its practice of authentic ayurveda medicine. For those on the lookout, there are several centers for ayurvedic treatment for endometriosis in Cochin, Kerala. Endometriosis management in Kerala is based on individual symptoms, overall health and dosha types. The ayurvedic practitioner provides personalized treatment for endometriosis, including some of the following:

  • 01 Ayurvedic medicines for endometriosis pain management could include anti-inflammatory herbs such as Shatavari, Guggulu, Ashwagandha, turmeric, ginger, etc. These are perfect ayurvedic herbal remedies for pain symptoms.
  • 02 Whole body Abhyanga massages using warm herbal oils are an ideal ayurvedic treatment for endometriosis as they are very helpful in the management of pain. The rhythmic massages are also great for relieving the stress of continuous discomfort caused by endometriosis in some women.
  • 03 Dietary and Lifestyle changes are another aspect of ayurvedic cure for endometriosis. Your ayurvedic practitioner might recommend avoiding oily and spicy foods; in place of these, try incorporating more of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. Foods that are whole grain and least processed are best for endometriosis treatment as they are least likely to cause inflammation.
  • 04 Yoga and meditation are an integral part of any ayurvedic treatment protocol, with special type of yoga poses or asanas being prescribed for different health problems. Aside from the yoga asanas and meditation, there are a variety of different breathing exercises too that are very useful in getting rid of stress, soothing the muscles and generally relaxing the body. All these are essential for managing symptoms of endometriosis too.
  • 05 Panchakarma therapy is also known to contribute towards ayurvedic cure for endometriosis and works well along with conventional medical treatments. It cleanses and detoxifies the body internally as well as externally via a variety of massages, herbal steam baths, enemas, etc., to help remove the toxins and balance out the doshas.


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