
Panchakarma is a comprehensive Ayurvedic detoxification and rejuvenation therapy derived from the Sanskrit words “Pancha,” meaning five, and “karma,” meaning actions. It comprises a series of natural purification techniques that eliminate toxins from the body, restore balance to the doshas (bio-energies), and revitalize the entire being.

At Sanjeevanam Ayurvedic Hospital, we pride ourselves on blending traditional Ayurvedic wisdom with contemporary healthcare practices to deliver personalized, results-driven therapies. The hospital is a well-known center for authentic Panchakarma treatment in Kerala that’s practiced and perfected in the original ways as per the teachings of the ancient sages. Our experienced Ayurvedic physicians, therapists, and wellness experts work together to design bespoke treatment plans tailored to your unique needs, ensuring optimal healing and rejuvenation.



It helps to purify the body by eliminating the adhered toxins


Reduces body weight


Increases the digestive fire and speeds up metabolism


Opens up the blocked channels


Relaxes mind and body


Rejuvenation, stress relief and boosts immunity


Panchakarma treatment can be done in both healthy and diseased persons. It is usually contraindicated in children below the age of 12 and seniors above the age of 70 years. Also, individuals who are very emaciated, pregnant, mentally unstable etc. are usually not allowed to undergo Panchakarma. So, depending upon the patient’s condition as decided by a qualified physician, an appropriate Panchakarma therapy can be selected and administered.


Every Panchakarma should be started with Preparatory therapy and end with Aftercare as the body needs special preparations to withstand the main procedures. After the Panchakarma is over, the body needs special protection and a regulated diet. This helps the body to return back to normal.

Poorvakarma is the stage when oleation therapy and induced sweating are carried out to help loosen the excess doshas and toxins accumulated in the body.
Pradhana karma is one among the Panchakarmas which is administered to expel impurities and revitalise the system. The five procedures are Vamana, Virechana, Vasti, Nasya and Raktamoksha.

Paschat karma consists of a rehabilitation plan with diet, rest and lifestyle modifications – which are usually done to prevent the recurrence of the disease. This is to bring back our body to the normal stage as far as digestion and health are concerned.


(Preparatory Procedures)

This is a mandatory preparatory stage in which the body is prepared for loosening the toxins and excess doshas. The undigested toxins which are adhered to body fat and spread out in different parts of the body are set free through the Poorvakarma procedure for easy removal.

01. Pachana and Rookshana
Pachana is the first stage of Poorvakarma where undigested toxins/ama is digested and eliminated with the help of herbal medicines and external treatments.


02. Snehana/Oleation Therapy
It involves internal and external use of medicated oils, ghee and other fat preparations suitable to the nature of the body and disease. This therapy is carried out for a minimum of 3 days to a maximum of 7 days to attain a saturation level. Its basic purpose is to loosen amam/toxins in the body, thereby facilitating their expulsion in the Pradhana karma stage.

The Oleation (Snehana) is of 2 types:Abhyantarasnehana (internal oleation) and Bahyasnehana (external oleation). Bahyasnehana is when medicated oil massages are administered all over the body, specifically to the affected parts of the body. In Abhyantarasnehana, patient is given medicated oil/ghee preparation to drink (with or without food) for internal oleation of body for a thorough cleansing.


03. Swedana
Swedana or sudation therapy is a treatment aimed at inducing sweat to loosen the toxins accumulated internally in the fat medium. It is an important treatment and can sometimes be administered independent of other procedures, for the sole purpose of relieving pain and other diseases. There are many kinds of Swedanatherapies based on the nature of disease, medicine used, purpose, etc.

Some of these are, Pinda sweda (using herbal powder bundles), Ushmasweda (dry fomentation), Baspasweda (Steam Bath), Avagahasweda (Tub Bath), Nadisweda (Heat directed with a pipe), Upanahasweda (Bandages), Pathrapindasweda (Leaves bundle), Dharasweda (Pouring from a height) are some of the types..


Pradhana karma, or the actual treatment procedure, is the stage after Poorvakarma during which the toxins are purged and the body is healed. This procedure is usually done when the time is right to extract the toxins and vitiated doshas. The treatment is always scheduled in concurrence with inner doshas and environmental factors.
The five basic panchakarmas are:

  1. Vamana
  2. Virechana
  3. Vasthi
  4. Nasya
  5. Rakthamoshana


01. Vamana
(Therapeutic Emesis)

Vamana is a treatment particularly suggested for Kapha-dominant conditions. This treatment is to be done after internal and external Oleation (snehapana) and Sudation (Sweden). This therapy enables medicine-controlled vomiting and helps in disposing of the toxins and excess vitiated Kapha from the body tissues.

02. Virechana

Virechana or Purgation or disposal of toxins through the anal canal by clearing of bowels specifically for the elimination of excess Pitta. After Snehapana and Swedana, the patient is to be given a natural purgative medicine for encouraging the cleaning of guts that aids in purifying body toxins. With the effect of the medicines, water from the cells drags to the colon and loosens toxins at the cellular level, which is then washed out through the anal canal.

02. Vasti
(Medicated Enema)

This treatment is so powerful in Vatta-dominated conditions like arthritis, piles, ulcerative colitis and many other diseases which have chronic pathology. According to the nature of the disease, decoctions, oils, ghee, milk, Cow’s urine, Meat soup etc. are administered through the rectum to stimulate the vagus nerve there. It corrects the Gut–Brain axis and increases the absorption/elimination capacity of the colon for the purpose of palliation of the Vatta. There are 2 types of enemas, namely-Niroohavasti and Anuvasanavasti. In Anuvasanavasti, the enema is administered using medicated oils, and in Niroohavasti, the enema administered consists of a mixture of Kashaya, honey, ghee, saindava and tailam.

03. Nasya
(Sinus Cleansing)

This treatment is so powerful in Vatta-dominated conditions like arthritis, piles, ulcerative colitis and many other diseases which have chronic pathology. According to the nature of the disease, decoctions, oils, ghee, milk, Cow’s urine, Meat soup etc. are administered through the rectum to stimulate the vagus nerve there. It corrects the Gut–Brain axis and increases the absorption/elimination capacity of the colon for the purpose of palliation of the Vatta. There are 2 types of enemas, namely-Niroohavasti and Anuvasanavasti. In Anuvasanavasti, the enema is administered using medicated oils, and in Niroohavasti, the enema administered consists of a mixture of Kashaya, honey, ghee, saindava and tailam.

04. Raktamokshana

This treatment is so powerful in Vatta-dominated conditions like arthritis, piles, ulcerative colitis and many other diseases which have chronic pathology. According to the nature of the disease, decoctions, oils, ghee, milk, Cow’s urine, Meat soup etc. are administered through the rectum to stimulate the vagus nerve there. It corrects the Gut–Brain axis and increases the absorption/elimination capacity of the colon for the purpose of palliation of the Vatta. There are 2 types of enemas, namely-Niroohavasti and Anuvasanavasti. In Anuvasanavasti, the enema is administered using medicated oils, and in Niroohavasti, the enema administered consists of a mixture of Kashaya, honey, ghee, saindava and tailam.

05. Raktamokshana

This treatment refers to the removal of vitiated blood and targets ailments caused by impure blood. It is very effective in the majority of skin diseases like psoriasis, dermatitis, varicose veins, etc.


panchakarma aftercare

Panchakarma is the ultimate detox or purification therapy administered through a set of 5 specialized Ayurvedic therapies. The treatment begins with the mandatory preparatory phase known as Poorvakarma and ends with the Paschat karma or recovery phase. In between these two stages is the actual treatment process which is the cleansing phase and is called the Pradhana karma. This cleansing phase is in multiple steps and the Ayurvedic doctor will set you through the paces according to your body’s ability to go through each purification step.

It is designed for the ultimate purification of the mind and body and treatment is primarily focused on balancing the vitiated doshas of the individual. It should be noted here that every Panchakarma therapy is designed specifically according to the patient’s needs, age and health condition. So, since there is no universal Panchakarma package available as a ‘one-size-fits-all’, treatments can vary from anywhere between 7 days to an upper limit of 21 days, depending on the individual’s needs.


The duration of Panchakarma treatment can vary depending on factors such as individuals’ health conditions, the specific Panchakarma therapies prescribed, and practitioners’ approach. Typically, Panchakarma treatment can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks. Some people undergo shorter Panchakarma programs for a quick detox, while others may opt for more extended programs for more comprehensive rejuvenation and healing. It’s essential to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner to understand the appropriate duration for Panchakarma treatment.

A Panchakarma treatment can range from

  • A minimum of 7 days: This is considered a short program and may be suitable for individuals with mild imbalances or those seeking a brief introduction to Panchakarma.
  • 14 to 21 days: This is the most common duration for a complete Panchakarma program, allowing for comprehensive detoxification and rejuvenation.
  • Twenty-eight days or more: This extended program is typically recommended for individuals with chronic health conditions or those seeking deeper healing and transformation.


There are no two ways about it, the world is changing at a rapid rate, and along with it, technologies, lifestyles and dietary habits. The current sedentary lifestyles paired with ill-timed unhealthy, highly processed foods are leading to numerous health problems. These include obesity, back pains, slipped discs, stress, etc. To prevent yourself from getting caught into the vicious cycle of medications, surgeries and back again to more medications, Ayurveda offers you a more natural and holistic treatment in the form of Panchakarma. Come experience the best panchakarma treatments in Kerala, a land known for its beautiful beaches, wholesome food and friendly people.

Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment in Kerala is dependent on five natural therapies that target complete cleansing of the body in the most natural way possible. This therapy helps nurture a balance between the mind, body and consciousness through a gentle detoxification process that leaves the person feeling fully energized and rejuvenated. God’s own Country, Kerala, is famous for its authentic Ayurveda practices and for those on the lookout for Panchakarma packages in Kerala, do check out the wholesome and effective deals offered by Sanjeevanam ayurvedic hospital in Cochin, Kerala.
And the best part is that Panchakarma treatment costs in Kerala won’t cost you an arm or a leg either! Since Panchakarma is a natural, non-invasive treatment, it is very decently priced too. Come, and experience the healing powers of an authentic Kerala Panchakarma massage at Sanjeevanam, and you will keep coming back for more!




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